
Frequently Asked Questions

-What are your rates or available units?

Our rates vary depending on size. Give us a call and we’ll happily help you determine the appropriate sized space, most suitable to fit your needs and budget. Rates are listed on our website. Discounts are available.

-When can I access my unit?

Your unit is accessible: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Leasing specialist office hours are Monday-Friday 9am-9pm and on Saturday 10am-4pm

-How do I pay for my unit?

You can pay through our leasing specialists over the phone or on our website. Debit/credit card or electronic check. Bank option is available, please call.

-What do I do if there is a problem with my unit?

We take pride in great customer service. Just give us a call and we’ll do our best to solve the problem as quickly as possible.

 -What is this red lock on my unit?

This may occur if your account has a past due balance. Once your account is paid in full, contact a leasing specialist at 315-333-7766 to verify payment was completed. They will you give you a code to unlock the red lock. Please return the red lock to the white lock box on the side of building one to avoid a “not returned lock fee.”

-How do I cancel my lease agreement?

You can cancel your lease at any time by scheduling a move out. You can do so through your account on our website, or by contacting us at 315-333-7766 during office hours.

-What do I need to do when I move out?

Please notify us 30 days in advance of your planned move date. We ask that your unit be completely empty,  your lock removed, and swept clean. Please send us a photo to our email or by text to confirm. You will get a final move out receipt.

 -What happens if I leave items in or around my unit that I don't want?

You must take all your belongings with you. We will continue to charge you rent until your unit is empty and unlocked. Dumping is illegal and you will be fined. 

 -I've left, why do I have a bill?

Typically, because your space was found locked after your scheduled move out date    

 OR your unit is not empty. If you believe there is an error in your billing, please contact us to resolve the issue.

 -Are my belongings insured?

We care about your belongings! We do require you carry insurance, whether your homeowners/renters insurance or we offer tenant protection plan at a fair price. No, we do not carry any insurance for your personal property.

-Do you provide locks?

No, we do not.